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Ieder jaar vieren we Wereldmilieudag, ook wel #worldenvironmentday: een dag die volledig in het teken staat van bewustwording rondom het milieu. Het thema van 2020 is biodiversiteit. Wil jij meer bewustwording (creëren) rondom dit onderwerp? Deze 7 klimaat- en milieuactivisten Instagrammers moet je volgen!

Vind hier inspirerende klimaat- en milieuactivisten op Instagram, zodat je meer over dit probleem (en wat jij kunt doen!) kunt leren. 

Autumn Peltier

Autumn Peltier is nog maar 15 jaar oud, is Anishinaabe-kwe en lid van de Wiikwemkoong First Nation. Ze is vooral bekend als een internationaal erkende strijder voor schoon water. Ze is een waterbeschermer en wordt dan ook een ‘waterstrijder’ genoemd.


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My people can’t drink oil!!!!

Een bericht gedeeld door Autumn Peltier (@autumn.peltier) op

Stephanie Ann Shepherd 

Stephanie Ann Shepherd is strategisch adviseur van Khana, een non-profitorganisatie die essentiële producten voor vrouwelijke hygiëne levert aan meisjes over de hele wereld. Daarnaast is ze mede-oprichter van Future Earth, een mediabedrijf voor milieuactivisme, met Max Moinian.


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I’m alright with a slow burn Taking my time, let the world turn I’m gonna do it my way, it’ll be alright ?

Een bericht gedeeld door STEPHANIE SHEPHERD SUGANAMI (@steph_shep) op

Iets doen voor het milieu? Vind hier 13 goede tips voor minder plastic in huis >

Lindsay Miles

Lindsay Miles is een gepassioneerde woordvoerder voor een leven zonder afval en zonder plastic. Ze is iemand die mensen helpt om een ​​zinvoller leven te vinden met minder afval en minder spullen. Ze geeft daarnaast lezingen en workshops om anderen aan te moedigen verandering te omarmen, opnieuw in contact te komen met hun waarden en een positieve impact te hebben op de wereld om hen heen.


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Hi. I’m Lindsay. I hate having my photograph taken ?? Which is why you don’t see pics of me on here that often. However, it is time for an update. I created my website and began my low waste living blog in 2013. Needless to say, it has been due a bit of a refresh for a while ? And so the website has had a makeover ? More colour, more whitespace, no clunky sidebar and easier navigation. Plus it now works properly on mobile ? (You can go to my profile for the link if you’d like to snoop ?) All the content of old is still there, but spruced up✨. The search function works better, too ? I’ve got to thank @orlalarkin for doing such a fantastic job. If you need website things doing, look her up! I was happy to just keep stock images of jars on the new site, but I was persuaded that a photo of me not from 2015 or earlier was probably good. Plus, I’ll be accused of lying about my age if I didn’t update them soon! ? So I roped my friend @meghan_plowman into taking some pics. Meghan is a graphic designer turned stylist turned photographer ? (basically if it’s arty or stylish she is all over it). She doesn’t really take photos of people (check out her feed to see where her talents and passions lie) but was persuaded to put up with me for an hour or so ?, and after 1000 outtakes we got a handful of photos where I wasn’t grimacing or with my eyes closed.? This one is an outtake really, I’m meant to be looking at the camera. But I rather like it. So I thought I’d pop it here, say hi ? and invite you to check out my shiny new site ?️? ? Photo: @meghan_plowman

Een bericht gedeeld door Lindsay Miles (@treadingmyownpath) op

Céline Semaan-Vernon

Céline Semaan-Vernon is een Libanees-Canadese ontwerper, advocaat, schrijver en oprichter van Slow Factory, een duurzaam modebureau dat mode wil herontwerpen tot een afvalvrije, circulaire economie. Ook is ze oprichter van The Library Study Hall, een conferentieserie over duurzaamheid genaamd Study Hall.


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[update: 540 people total registered!] ? i have been working double shifts between #homeschooling and running @theslowfactory catching up on work from 8PM until 2AM every night — super overwhelmed by the response to my proposition to giving a crash course in #sustainabilityliteracy on Friday ♻️ Sent my slide deck to my team to get feedback. Let me know in the comments what you want me to focus on ?⚠️ an important PSA: According to the University of Oregon: Providing attributions for open educational resources (OERs) is not only required for Creative Commons (CC) licensed materials, but citing sources for collected works is a good practice to follow in general. Documenting the material that you are using by including the author’s name and the name of the license, as well as where you found it can be especially helpful… #openeducation is free OK ? but it doesn’t mean it is up for grabs; I have seen my exact words, paragraphs I have written taken by folks in sustainability and marked as theirs. That is some serious internalized colonialism and I am not here for it. Why should you state your sources? Because open education is here as a non-hierarchical model where we build upon each other’s work. If I give you a lego ?you gotta add another lego on top ? In Eastern Cultures (hence why #sustainability will be explored as a #culture ) we engage in competition of generosity: who is going to give more to the other ?? Sustainability is a Culture, tote bags from our London #sdgstudyhall and reused during our @nytimes Study Hall ♻️ #createdwithadidas

Een bericht gedeeld door سيلين سمعان ?? Céline Semaan (@celinecelines) op

Isaias Hernandez

Isaias Hernandez is de maker van Queer Brown Vegan, waar hij toegankelijke content over milieueducatie maakt. Na zijn afstuderen met een graad in milieuwetenschappen, is Isaias mede-oprichter van een milieumagazine genaamd Alluvia magazine. Dit magazine belicht milieuactivisten door middel van verhalen over klimaatrechtvaardigheid. Queer Brown Vegan is een leerzame uitlaatklep en een veilige plek voor andere ‘volgers’ om terminologie te leren in de milieubeweging.


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Two years ago, the World Health Organization stopped classifying Transgender people as mentally ill — to be fully implemented by 2022 (CNN). 30 Years ago, the World Health Organization removed homosexuality as a mental disorder (World Health Organization). Today is International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia [#idahobit2020 ]. The movement raises awareness for our LGBTQ2S+ community and the constant violations and threats we constantly face across the world. Many LGBTQ2SA+ individuals have demanded justice for their communities, only to be silenced or murdered. I mourned today for all the lives that have been lost and the ones who are still fighting. As someone who is a cis-queer male, I acknowledge the privilege I carry. – – Navigating the environmental field as a Queer individual, I have seen environmental colonialism attempt to erase many beautiful Queer ecological traditions and practices. My relationship with the land today is to be able to provide safe spaces for the LGBTQ2S+ community and being able to reconnect them with regenerative practices that our ancestors would use. For many of us, we have lived in a heteronormative world that has attempted to erase, harm, or kill our identities for simply existing. We need more representation in these movements. We need more protection in these movements, and we need more people financially investing in us: creators, activists, or simply people in the community that are the most vulnerable (BIPOC Transgender folks). – – I am currently selling digital copies of @alluviamag Issue 01 for $10. 100% of the sales will go directly to funding the following organizations below: 1.) @visibilit_ – Delivering funds to a group of asylum-seeking trans womxn that will provide nutrition and other essentials. 2.) @gay4u.biz – Feeding Trans POC delicious vegan food 3.) @villageoakland – Providing camps and curbside communities with essentials. 4.) Navajo & Hopi Families COVID-19 Relief Fund. If you have access to either donate, share, or even support these pages, it’d be great! – #queermodel #idahobit #lgbtpride #lgbt #queeridentity

Een bericht gedeeld door Queer Brown Vegan ? (@queerbrownvegan) op

Vanessa Nakate

Vanessa Nakate begon in januari 2019 een eenzame aanval tegen nietsdoen op de klimaatcrisis. Een aantal maanden was ze de enige demonstrant buiten de poorten van het parlement van Oeganda. Daarna kreeg je via social media veel aandacht en kreeg ze veel ‘volgelingen’. Ze richtte ook de Youth for Future Africa op en Rise Up Movement.


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Yes. I am a climate activist and you?

Een bericht gedeeld door Vanessa Nakate (@vanessanakate1) op

Lizzie Outside

Lizzie is een eco-campagnevoerder en oprichter van Plastic Patrol, hier doen ze onderzoek naar vervuiling van door de mens gemaakte materialen. Door de distributie, het type, het merk en de hoeveelheid afval over de hele wereld aan te kaarten wil ze voor elkaar krijgen dat eenmalige producten niet meer bestaan.


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WHAT IS AN ECO-GRINCH? ⠀ ⠀ Someone so riddled with guilt at the scale of our Christmas consumption (we produce 30% more waste than the rest of the year), that tradition has lost its importance.⠀ ⠀ I don’t have a Christmas tree, I don’t own a comedy festive jumper, I don’t send cards, I don’t put up decorations, I don’t eat mince pies (mostly because I don’t like them) and I don’t need any presents.⠀ ⠀ ? You see leftovers from a delicious Christmas dinner with all the trimmings.⠀ ⠀ An eco-grinch sees the 54 million plates of food waste during December alone that, when thrown into landfill and begin to rot, emit harmful heat trapping gases 25x more potent than carbon dioxide. ⠀ ⠀ ? You see a carefully wrapped, thoughtful present.⠀ ⠀ We see the 114,000 tonnes of plastic packaging from and 227,000 miles of glittery wrapping paper – neither of which can be recycled. And that doesn’t include the waste generated from the 71% of people who receive unwanted gifts each year – and most end in landfill. ⠀ ⠀ ?? You see a comedy Christmas jumper⠀ ⠀ We see 12 million silly acrylic sweaters hitting landfill after just one wear, taking hundreds of years to decompose and release dangerous gases into the atmosphere during the process. ⠀ ⠀ ? You see twinkling lights on a beautifully decorated Christmas tree.⠀ ⠀ We see one of the 6 million real Christmas trees that will end up in landfill by early January. ⠀ ⠀ ? You see a fun moment wrestling with a Christmas cracker ⠀ ⠀ We see 40 million pieces of plastic crap that will be chucked away – destined for landfill – just a few minutes after the fun ends. ⠀ ⠀ We don’t need to boycott traditions altogether but we can all make small changes to reduce our impact. I’ve done a blog series (link in bio) with sustainable alternatives to Christmas trees, presents, cards, food and more if you want some ideas. ⠀ ⠀ #ecofriendly #greenchristmas #christmas #sustainable #greenchristmas #greenliving #climatechange #sustainability #zerowaste #zerowasteliving ⠀ ⠀ ⠀

Een bericht gedeeld door Lizzie Inside (@lizzie_outside) op

En, welke van deze milieu- en klimaatactivisten accounts op Instagram ga jij als eerste volgen?
